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1-5 prompts

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1) U-turn in the Universe (News Report)

The rocketship missed the moon. Now, it has been forced to perform what humans call a 'u-turn'.

You hear this one the news while sitting in a cafe, drinking your morning coffee before your hasty commute to work. Explain what you are thinking and what exactly is going on.


2) Blanket Bandit (Quotes)

"I lived in a blanket fort for three years, 23 days, 21 hours, and about 34 minutes before they figured it out." -Unknown

You are skimming through a book, magazine, or paper when your eyes catch this quote. Explain what the story is as you read farther into this article. 


3) Similar Scenery (Explanation)

I've always found the desert and the rainforest to be very similar because... 

Explain the similarities between the desert and the rainforest. Though they are notably different, write as though you are trying to convince people that they are virtually identical (or close to).


4) Cold Critters (News Report)

Mermaids found in Antartica, frozen in an iceberg! 

You are the author of this new report, and you have witnessed it all in person. Most people think you're insane or trying to get attention. How do you convince people it is true?


5) Incognito Irregularity (Quotes)

"The circus was just too flashy for me..." -Bigfoot

You are interviewing Bigfoot, and you pulled this quote out of the conversation you had with him/her. What are they like? Are they kind, irritated, angry, happy, etc?









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