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11-15 prompts

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11) Llama Language (Explanation)

The llama looked at her as if it understood...

You are either the llama, the girl, or a third person witness. What did the llama understand or, at least, look like it understood? Who is the girl? Why is she talking to a llama?


12) Cranky Cannible (Quote)

"I'm not a cannibal unless you define 'cannibal' the way Webster does." -Anonymous

You read this in a paper that you must analyze and write a report on for college. What is this paper about? What college class is it?


13) Wait, What?! (Dialogue)

"I hate you!"

"...who are you?"

You wake up in the hospital to someone that you do not recognize saying that they hate you. You are unsure who they are and definitely have no idea why they hate you. Why are you in the hospital? What happens next? 


14) War? (News Report)

Canada Has Declared War on the United States (Minnesota Sides with Canada)!

You are a Minnesotan. What do you think and what do you do? Is this a spoof report or is it actually real?


15) Worldly Worry (News Report) 

The Earth Will Stop Spinning On Tuesday!

Is this normal? Are people remaining calm? Or is this abnormal? Is the world in Chaos?









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