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7-11 prompts

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7) Barbwire Businessman (Explanation)

The businessman stared out his window, which overlooked a barbwire fence and a handful of guard towers."

You are one of the prisoners or people the guards are watching, and you are watching the businessman. Who is he? Why are you in the prison?


8) Cranky Cell (Quote)

"Sorry, my cellphone requires my attention- you know how she gets if I spend too much time away from her."

You are the cellphone who is getting annoyed that your owner/handler is not paying attention to you. What is this world like? Who 'owns' who? Explain how you're feeling.


9) His House (Quote / Conversation)

"Out of all the people in the world, I had to run into you."

"Well, this is my house..."

You either confront or are being confronted. What is all going on?


10) Fake Fiction? (Dialogue)

"There will come a day when a man simply has to accept the reality of fairytales." - Anonymous 

At what point do you think you should believe in fairytales again? C.S.Lewis has a very powerful quote about being old enough to read fairytale again. Do you subscribe to that thought or not? Why or why not?


11) Toppling Tower (News Report)

Hurricane Waves Engulf Eiffel Tower! 

You witness the Eiffel Tower plummeting to the ground after a wave swarmed around it and sunk it. What happened? Is there a worldwide storm ragging or is it only here?  









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